Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome to IT 442

Hello elementary education students! As your instructor for this course, I look forward to learning together, capitalizing on moments where I learn from you and you learn from me. Inevitably, there will be problem-solving and I relish these moments. I do love to problem-solve when it comes to technology. Throughout the quarter, I also look forward to getting to know you as the multi-talented individuals you are.

A bit about me. . .

Here is a word cloud of things I love

I grew up in Billings, Montana.

My heritage taught me to be a strong, independent woman. There's a country song called, "Cowgirls Don't Cry" and that was often the sentiment in our family. We were taught that we could handle more than we were facing. We were also taught never to judge until you walked in another's shoes. These life lessons have helped me get through undergraduate and graduate school, although there certainly have been times when this cowgirl cried under what seemed to be insurmountable stress. But, as my graduate school advisor told me, "pressure makes diamonds!" So here's to a great quarter where we will work hard and have fun, despite times of pressure.